Loyalty Has its Perks with Valvoline’s Free VPerk$ Membership
Get up to $30 back on your first oil change as a VPerk$ member and up to $15 on future visits*
Step 1: Scan the QR code at your local Kerry’s Car Care or visit valvolineperks.com to enter offer code provided at the time of service or via email.
Step 2: Enter your information and opt in for future offers of up to $15 back on your next oil change.
Step 3: Submit a claim with your confirmation code.
Step 4: When it’s time for your next oil change you’ll receive a VPERK$ email with your unique code.
*Offer valid only with Valvoline™ FREE VPerk$™ Membership. $30 cash back off Restore and Protect oil change on first visit, $15 cash back on subsequent visits; $30 discount at time of purchase plus $20 cash back off Full Synthetic Oil change on first visit, $10 cash back on subsequent visits. Limit one vehicle per email address. Subsequent VPerk$™ offers can be redeemed with each new email offer received. Visit our store or go to valvolineperks.com for details. Rebate via Valvoline Prepaid Mastercard® card/virtual card, And is issued by Pathward, N.A., Member FDIC, pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated. Terms and conditions apply.
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